Local Fresh Catch Delicacies


Step into the realm of rich Thai flavours where freshwater and seafood delicacies come alive. ChomSindh celebrates traditional Thai recipes, revered and passed through generations. Our master chefs, using their artisanal expertise, craft dishes from the freshest local catches and finest Thai ingredients. Embodying the ambiance of a welcoming Thai shophouse, the space exudes a distinctive allure. With each bite, immerse yourself in the authentic spirit and essence of Thai aquatic culinary tradition.

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4 этаж


Телефон: +66 2653 9000

Время работы

11:30 to 23:00


Неформальный (купальники не разрешаются)

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Амари Бангкок

847 New Petchburi Road, Ratchatewi, Bangkok 10400 Thailand

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Телефон: +66 2653 9000
Факс: +66 2653 9045
Official LINE account

  • Бесплатный Wi-Fi
  • Трансфер из/до аэропорта (по запросу, за дополнительную плату)
  • EV charging stations
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